i was just checking out y frens blog and i got tagged by sweet li...
Layer 1: On the outside
Name: LeI eE
Birth Date: 28 NoVeMbEr 1989
Current Status: HaIh... SiNgLe As UsUaL :P
Eye Colour: DaRk BrOwN.
Hair Colour: BlAcK
Layer 2: On the inside
My Heritage: ChInEsE
My Fears: HoRrOr MoViE, gHoSt, AnImAlS tHaT eAt HuMaN aNd MaNy MoRe
My Weaknesses: A lOt LiKe StAgE fRiGhT, tHiNk ToO mUcH
My Perfect Pizza: PePpErOnI & HaWaIian
Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My First Thoughts Waking Up: WhAt TiMe Is It?..
My Bed Time: NeArLy 4 aM eVeRyDaY(exams)
My Most Missed Memories:
1) My HiGh ScHoOl FrIeNdS
2) FuN tImEs WiTh My DaD
Layer 4: My Pick
Pepsi or Coke: CoKe
McDonalds or Burger King: McDoNalDs
Single or Group Dates: SiNgLe
Addidas or Nike: NiKe
Tea or Nestea: TeA
Chocolate or Vanilla: ToTaLlY cHoCoLaTe
Cappucino or coffee: CaPpUcInO
Layer 5: Do You..
Smoke: NeVeR... iS bAd
Curse: DePeNdS hOw AnGrY i Am
Take A Shower: DuH!!!
Have A crush: LiKe ThOuSaNdS oF tHeM
Go To School: YeAh CoLleGe
Want To Get Married: HmMm ..... YeAh
Believe In Youself: StArTiNg ToO
Think You're A Health Freak: No
Layer 6: In The Past
Drink Alcohol: OnCe....
Gone To The Mall: YeAh....
Been On Stage: NoPe
Eaten Sushi: YeAh AnD hAtEd MoSt Of It
Dyed Your Hair: NeVeR aNd NoT aLlOwEd...
Layer 7: Have You Ever..
Played A Stripping Game: No!!!
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: YeS... LaSt TiMe
Layer 8: Are You Hoping To..
Get Married: YeAh...
Layer 9: In A Guy
Best Eye Colour: MoSt CoLoR wIlL do
Best Hair Color: AnY cOlOr ThAt SuIt HiM
Short or Long Hair: BoTh Is AlSo OkAy BuT nOt ToO lOnG
Layer 10: What You Were Doing
A Minute Ago: ChAtTiNg WiTh FrEnS oNlInE
An Hour Ago: HeArInG tO mUsIc
Four And A Half Hours Ago: SlEePiNg
A Month Ago: CeLeBrAtInG mY sIs BiRtHdAy
A Year Ago: StUdYiNg In HiGh ScHoOl
Layer 11: Finish The Sentences
I Love: My FaMiLy, CoUsInS, fRiEnDs AnD rAiN( lOl)
I Feel: So HaPpY ( SeMeStEr BrEaK)
I Hate: PeOpLe WhO uSeD mE fOr ThEiR oWn AdVaNtAgEs
I Hide: My ToYs FrOm My NiEcE
I Miss: ThE oLd TiMeS iN hIgH sChOoL..
I Need: To StOp ReLaYiNg On PpL
Layer 12: Tag 5 People
1) SoPhInA
2) PrIsCiLlA
3) RaChEl
4) MiChElE
5) AdAm
is time to go now.... need to have a lot of energy for today's 'Digi 988 A Party'......
can't wait to hear all the artist sings and can't wait to see Nicholas Teo!!!
will update about the AsAp!! :)