Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Choong Kor Kor's Wedding Day!!!

I know I am a bit too late posting this up since the wedding is like a month ago...
been busy with my internship and stuff!!!
Let's start!!!!

~~The day before the BIG DAY~~

Went to Choong Kor Kor's house for dinner....
For the first time, my family reached there so early!!! So proud!!! XD

Lai, Ling and Me

The food were delicious!!! :d
I have a lot of servings!!!
The girls and I are so full that we need to move our body and what is better than taking pictures!!!!!

Ling and Me

The Posing begins!!!!

Laughing pose
This is how I laughed!!! LOL!!

Sexy pose
hmmmm..... I don't even know what I am doing...

Hungry pose
*Can I eat it?*

Die pose
I look so funny

Found money pose
this is how ling looked like when she found money!!

Miss World pose

Random pose

Shocked pose
Wai Kor is so funny!!!

Lala pose
lai lai is so cute!!!!

Model pose

Ling, me and lai... :D

Us again XD

Chris Kor Kor and Chui Jie Jie
*such a lovely couple*

~~The Wedding Day~~

Early in the morning, there is already a HAPPY news!!!
'Tai Kau Fu' won lottery!!!

While Choong Kor Kor is getting prepared, everyone below are taking pictures!!!

Kit Kit look so cute in this picture...

Ling, Mun Leng Jie and Lai

Chui Jie Jie and Mun Yue Jie
*love Chui Jie Jie's dress*

~here comes the GROOM~

Mun Jie Jie

Leaving the house

The 'San Leong Che'

Chui Jie Jie, 'Kau Mo' Choong Kor Kor, 'Kau Fu' and Mun Jie Jie

Kit Kit so cute opened the door for Choong Kor Kor..


Look carefully!!!
That video guy is so 'yeng'!!!

Reached the lobby!!

Yee Ma is the 'tai kam che'
which the negotiator and the person who helps the bride

Fong Jie!!

The 'heng tai's'

Outside of the apartment

The photographer!!

Michele Jie Jie carrying the rings

From Negotiating


PUSHING the door!!!

*knock knock*
open the door!!

The other side passed some stuff to Choong Kor Kor.....
It was a DEAD cockroach!!
For his love, Choong Kor Kor ate the dead cockroach.

Fong Jie negotiating with the other side.
*Go Fong Jie!! Go Fong Jie!!*

The door is OPENED!!!!!

LOL!!! The 'heng tai's helped Choong Kor Kor by eating the cili padi konyaku.
I helped too. It taste weird but it's okay me.

Choong Kor Kor is waiting for the next task....

The 'Zi Mui's' asked Choong Kor Kor to sing a song that represents their love

Putting the shoe on for Siew Khen Jie Jie.
Just like the Cinderella story!!


So Sweet!!!!

Will you marry me?

Praying the God!!


such a cute teddy bear!!!

Left Siew Khen Jie Jie's family side and head back to Choong Kor Kor's house....
We are a little bit behind schedule......

Kok Weng looked so SMART!!!

Pray God

Getting ready for the tea ceremony

The house is so crowded

Mun Jie Jie helped Siew Khen Jie Jie to put on the bracelet...

Miss CHan Wai Yee!!! :D

Such a cute lamp!!

Thier Wedding Photo


The background of the stage

The Wedding CAKE!!!! :d

I am so happy because I am one of the usherers'!!!!! :D

Kok Weng and Ling

Ling and Kay Kay

Ling, me and Lai

3 sisters
Yee Yee, Teng Teng and Kay Kay

The Couple have arrived!!!

The main table

The 'fu-fu's'

Kok Weng and Kwan Kwan

Love the flowers hanging above our table


'Love Shot'

Ling and Me

Ling, Lai and Me

Yan Yan and Kit Kit so cute!!!!

How can we not forget to say 'Happy Mother's Day'!!

Lai Lai and Yee Ma

Ling Ling and 'Sei Kau Mo'

Kwan Kwan, Michele Jie Jie, Ling, Fong Jie, Lai and Mun Leng Jie

The Leng Lui's
*Cannot see me*


The two leng lui's
Mun Mun Jie Jie and Chui Jie Jie

Ling, Teng Teng, Yee Yee and Kay Kay

It was a very joyful day that day!!!
Eating, chatting and not forgetting taking pictures with so many people.
Can't wait for the next wedding!!!
Chui Jie Jie and Chris Kor Kor!!!!! :D